Legal Notices , Disclosures and Disclaimer

If there is anything you do not understand from the Legal Notices and Disclosures below, or you have a query, please feel free to email your enquiry here . Our opening hours are 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. Please note that calls may be recorded and monitored to help improve our services. and it’s affiliates are online content publishing company and the indicators, strategies, reports, information, recommendations, articles, opinions and all other features of our products are provided for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as personalized investment advice. Our recommendations and analysis are based on public records, current events, interviews, corporate press releases, and what we’ve accumulated as startup knowledge. It may contain errors and you shouldn’t make any investment decision based solely on what you read here. It’s your money,time and your responsibility.

Readers should be aware that startups involves risk , they are the riskiest from all venture capital phases and every startup could potentially fail no matter how well funded or how good idea or team is behind it. Past performance is no guarantee of future results, and we make no representation that any customer will or is likely to achieve similar results like startups we give as example in our reports and email communication. and it’s affiliates, agents, employees are ALLOWED and MIGHT HAVE financial interest in any Startup company they recommend to our subscribers. In vast majority of the cases we do not have interest in the companies we profile. But from time to time we could be compensated from those startup companies to profile them in our reports and email recommendations. Also and it’s affiliates, agents , employees, owners and shareholders could own equity or any other form of ownership and interest in those startup companies recommended in reports and emails.

Please be informed that there COULD BE CONFLICT OF INTEREST due to the fact that in some cases our affiliates, agents, employees, shareholders, directors etc could be compensated from the startups we profile and recommend as well as our affiliates, agents, employees, shareholders, directors etc could be owners/shareholders in those startups.

Reliance on content

Information in our unregulated Services is for general information only and is not intended to be relied upon by users in making (or not making) specific investment decisions. We try to ensure that the content of our Services is up to date and accurate, but we do not guarantee the accuracy and currency of the information.

The information and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of every contributor to We acknowledge differences in opinion and welcome the exchange of different viewpoints.

We do everything in our power to ensure that our websites are fully operational and available to you at all times. However, in order to make sure they are up to date and offering you the best service, on rare occasion access may be interrupted or restricted to allow for maintenance or the introduction of new facilities and services.

Nothing contained in this material is intended to constitute legal, tax or investment advice, nor an opinion regarding the suitability or potential of any startup technology, particular startup company or related industry. Startup companies and related technologies are very risky and usually their capabilities and potential is widely overstated. The information,claims, pictures, analysis and opinions expressed herein are for general, impersonal information only and are not intended to provide any specific advice or recommendations for any individual entity.

Any performance results of our recommendations prepared by are not based on actual investing in startups but are instead based on a hypothetical past results from other people investing in Startups. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations. Your actual results may vary.


The advice we provide is published generally, is not personal to you and does not take account of your personal circumstances. We do not assess the suitability or appropriateness of any investment in light of your personal circumstances, including your knowledge and understanding, financial strength, tax liability or appetite for risk.

If you need guidance as to how to interpret our advice in light of your personal circumstances, you should seek independent advice from an appropriately qualified professional. You should also interpret our advice in light of the risk warnings that are contained within it.

Marketing using unsolicited email messages

We only send emails promoting Southbank Investment Research or its products to those who have agreed to receive such messages. We prohibit any advertising of products from the group using unsolicited emails.

If you believe that you have received unsolicited emails from one of the above companies that you did not give permission to receive please contact us as soon as possible.

Third party promotions

From time to time we promote other companies’ products. Please do your own due dilligence about their products and offers.

At, our investment philosophy is grounded in contrarian approaches that diverge significantly from the traditional pathways of startup investing.

This divergence means that the recommendations and tactics we explore in our publications might appear risky and unconventional to many. This perspective also sheds light on why traditional investors and mainstream media, who often adhere to a more conventional “prudent investor” approach, might critique our methods or even level accusations of wrongdoing against us. We encourage you to meticulously consider our startup investment ideas and rigorously apply our risk management strategies, particularly regarding position sizing and the implementation of trailing stop losses. Above all, we advocate for a deep understanding of the principles that drive our contrarian stance. By comprehending the rationale behind our belief in these strategies, you’ll be better equipped with the emotional resilience and discipline needed to successfully navigate startup investing. Without this foundational understanding, achieving success in this arena becomes a challenging endeavor.

A very important warning: We make mistakes.

At, we embrace our humanity, acknowledging that we occasionally err in our judgments and predictions regarding startups. While we’re proud to say our missteps are relatively rare, there are times when our foresight on market trends doesn’t align with real-world timing, impacting the profitability of investments. Moreover, despite diligent verification of our sources, we sometimes encounter misinformation.Our confidence in the value of our work is bolstered by the substantial number of clients who continue to trust in our services, as well as the success stories reflected in our internal track records. We believe you’d be hard-pressed to find another publisher delivering content as comprehensive and well-researched as ours. Yet, it’s crucial to recognize that no publication, including esteemed outlets like the New York Times, is immune to the occasional error. Rest assured, when mistakes occur, we’re committed to rectifying them swiftly and transparently.It’s an exceptional case, albeit possible, for individuals to amass wealth quickly through investing in startups alone. We view the most feasible path to wealth as either launching your own venture or playing a pivotal role in the development or substantial expansion of an existing business. Our newsletters are crafted to assist those on their wealth-building journey, whether they’re navigating the early stages of managing their savings or seeking ways to maximize returns on significant savings already accumulated.


The cornerstone of investment philosophy, from our perspective at, is both fundamental and clear:

Investing invariably carries the risk of loss.

Interestingly, investing can often seem most perilous precisely when it feels the safest. This historical observation has guided us towards a distinct and unconventional strategy – adopting a contrarian viewpoint towards investing in early startups. Our conviction in this approach is strongly supported by our interpretation of historical trends and our own performance track record. However, as widely acknowledged, past successes do not guarantee future outcomes. No matter the depth of our research or the allure of the opportunity, the inherent uncertainty in early startups means that every investment bears the potential for loss. This inherent risk underscores why truly exceptional investment ideas are both scarce and immensely precious. It’s crucial for you to understand why a company like ours chooses to share these startup ideas with you, and the terms under which we do so. This document is designed to elucidate why we publish our top startup ideas and insights (rather than solely investing on our own or managing an investment fund) and to clarify the conflicts of interest we encounter as publishers. It details how we compile our track records, our stance on guarantees and refunds, and the regulatory landscape we operate within. Most importantly, it lays the groundwork for a fruitful and enduring partnership. We have a commitment to serve our subscribers with information we’d confidently recommend to our own families, maintaining absolute transparency about our products’ effectiveness, and always considering how we’d wish to be treated in your place. By taking the time to understand this document, you’re more likely to thrive with our resources. You’ll gain insight into our investor service approach, comprehend the limits of our assistance, and, critically, become more aware of the risks that investing in early startups inevitably entails.

Signing up to our Services

If you wish to have access to subscriber-only services and unrestricted access to the subscriber-only content of the website, you will need to subscribe with us. When you subscribe you will be required to provide certain personal information. That information must be true, accurate, correct and complete, and you must notify us immediately of any changes to that information. If you post comments you will be required to provide us with your email address.

You agree that you will not impersonate any other person or entity or use a false name or a name that you are not authorised to use. You also agree not to disclose your password or user name to any other person, or allow your password or user name to be used by any other person to access the Services.

We reserve the right to decline any application from you to subscribe as a user of the Services. If you are accepted you will be able to choose a user name and password. If you are allowed to select a user name, we reserve the right to modify it or provide you with a user name of our choice if, in our sole opinion, such user name infringes or violates the rights of any person or third party or is defamatory, offensive or is in any other way improper or inappropriate.

We reserve the right to terminate your access to the Services (including subscription services) if any information you provide is untrue, inaccurate, out-of-date or incomplete, or if we believe that you have breached these terms and conditions.

The right to email you from a different domain name regarding startup research information:

By enrolling, you agree to receive emails from various domains beyond What’s the reason behind this? It’s because we’re committed to tailoring our content to your interests. We want to make sure you receive personalized updates that resonate with you.

Expect emails from domains like,, and more. We leverage your initial sign-up interests to curate content that aligns with your preferences, delivering value that’s specifically tailored to you. We do this based on the initial sign up interests you showed to our website when you first signed up for our services. You can always unsubscribe from those newsletters as they always come with clear un-subscribe option.

Lifetime Premium/Paid Subscriptions

Lifetime” means for life and in this case it is about the “life” of our service/website, or as long as exists and is in the business of providing startup research services. We have the intention to be around for many many years ahead but everything happens in life and business in in theory could go bankrupt or just stop providing research only a few months or 1-2 years after you subscribe for the lifetime membership. By signing up for our Lifetime Membership you understand that there is no specific length in terms of months or years and if our website/business stops existing ( regardless of the reason) you will stop receiving our Premium research report. Theoretically there is a risk that this can happen on the next day after you sign up and you could have paid for lifetime membership but this membership could have lasted only days or weeks or months or 1-2 years. You do understand that LIFETIME means for as long as our service is up and running and could stop at anytime.

Ending paid subscription:

Our Premium membership is for lifetime, however if you do not want to receive any more research reports, emails or SMS from us, simply contact us at and we will terminate your subscription.
When you subscribe to a “Lifetime Membership” at, it’s important to understand that “lifetime” refers to the lifespan of our service and company, not the subscriber’s lifetime. This means your access to our premium startup research services continues as long as operates and publishes research reports. Should cease operations or discontinue publishing for any reason, your lifetime membership will also end. By choosing this membership, you acknowledge and accept the risk that, although the term is “lifetime,” the duration of your membership could potentially be short-lived, depending on the future of It’s crucial to note that if discontinues its services at any point after your subscription, you are not entitled to a refund. This understanding is part of the agreement when signing up for the lifetime membership, recognizing that the service is provided for the “lifetime” of’s active business operations, which could be subject to change.

Ending Free subscription:

Our Free membership is for lifetime as well, we will send you email/SMS periodically with new reports or with information about statups and other matters as well as with promotional materials where we will offer you to become Premium member – however if you do not want to receive any more research reports, emails or SMS from us, simply contact us at and we will terminate your subscription. Inside the emails/sms that we will send you there is also very detailed and easy way to be unsubscribed.

The right to email you from different domain name regarding startup research information:

By Signing up to our services you AGREE that we have the right to email you from domains different than In order for us to better segment our subscribers and meet their needs in more personalized way. We have the right to send you emails from domains like , etc. We do this based on the initial sign up interests you showed to our website when you first signed up for our services. You can always unsubscribe from those newsletters as they always come with clear un-subscribe .


Our cancellation and refund policies vary by product purchased, the date on which it was purchased, and the policy you agreed to at the time of purchase. If you have a question about the refund policy on your account or wish to cancel the renewal of your subscription, please contact our Member Services team by phone, Monday through Friday, between 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern time , you can find our contact details on our Contact Us Page.